The series of phytoproducts “Alfit Composite” consists of seven kinds of concentrated mixture for cooking of hot beverages. All compositions are made of Altai best healing plants. Alfit Composite infusions are indented for daily application. They possess a big number of biologically active substances, a pronounced general strengthening action as well as pleasant taste.
Alfit Composite infusions are very healthful for people suffering from heavy nervous and physical workloads or working in hazardous industries. These infusions are also recommended to hospital patients: they relieve the side effects of medicinal preparations, promote optimal organ functioning and increase the tonus.
Hot beverages of Alfit Composite series can be applied without strict dosage and at any time of day or night. They can replace coffee or tea more helpfully.
The means is similar to Alfit 1 Composite according to its properties, but the formulation is supplemented by a heavy immune-modulating ingredient – licorice.
Alfit 3 Composite beverage is a natural complex of biologically active substances with optimal mixture of vitamin C and carotenoids. It is especially recommended in winter and spring for safe prevention of infectious and cold-related diseases.
Alfit 4 Composite is very healthful in cold season as a supplemental general strengthening and healing means for treatment of respiratory diseases.
Herbs contained in Alfit 5 Composite beverage exercise anti-inflammatory action along gastrointestinal tract.
It is recommended in case of inflammatory processes along gastrointestinal tract. Besides, the beverage possesses a pronounced astringent action which is healthful for patients receiving radiation therapy with involvement of a part of intestine in the radiation zone.
Herbs contained in Alfit 1 Composite increase immune protection softly and possess general strengthening action. The means is recommended as additional preparation fighting against diseases, stress and fatigue.
It exercises a stabilizing action on nervous system and promotes normalization of arterial blood pressure.