The series of the bath phyto-preparations “Phytopar” is created on the basis of great experience of curative plants in the bath procedures. The hot and moist air filled with vapors of curative infusions contributes to deep warming-up of the body and removal of hazardous substances together with steam. In this case, metabolic processes will be stimulated and congestive phenomena will be eliminated. The biologically active substances diluted in the water vapors penetrate through the cleansed and enlarged skin pores into the deep tissue layers and blood easily, as well as exercise a strong healing action on the body. The hot baths supplemented with herbal infusions possess a revitalizing effect too.
The moist herbal procedures are indicated to people prone to colds or suffering from chronic diseases of the upper respiratory passages, including light forms of bronchial asthma. These procedures are efficient in case of treatment of autonomic disturbances of the cardiovascular system, hypotension and incipient hypertensive disease, chronic rheumatoid diseases, radiculitis, chronic skin diseases, fat metabolism disorders, polyarthritis, light forms of diabetes mellitus as well as climacteric syndrome.
This preparationis indicated to children in case of diseases connected with increased neural irritability, diathesis (scrofula), dysbacteriosis and secondary immunodeficiency, as well as for rehabilitation after inflammation of respiratory passages.
Herbs contained in the preparation are widely used in cellulitis treatment. They excrete toxins and excess water from organism, normalize activity of endocrine glands, regulate microelement metabolism in subcutaneous tissue and contribute to weight loss.
This preparation is indicated in case of diseases and pathological states associated with immune system suppression – after severe infections, intoxications, heavy application of antibiotica and other chemical preparations, asthenia, defatigation and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Herbs contained in this preparation possess immune-modulating, bactericidal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Phytopar-4 exercises a healthful influence on immune processes, relieves the course of chronic diseases of upper respiratory passages and promotes toxins removal from organism.
This preparation is indicated in case of diseases of peripheral and central nervous systems (neuroses, asthenoneurotic states), diseases of internal organs accompanied by reactions from the central nervous system (gastroduodenal ulcer).
The principle of a comprehensive physio- and phytotherapeutic influence on the organism helps to enhance the healing properties of the herbs contained in the preparatory. All herbs contained in the preparation contribute to normalization of water-salt metabolism in the organism, improve microcirculation and possess anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The combined usage of these herbs intensifies health-promoting effect.