It is one of the first collection, developed by Alfit phytocenter specialists for the rehabilitation of cancer patients. It is made of the best Altai herbs.
Alfit 29 Herbal Tea promotes normalization of myocardial contractile function, improvement of conduction, provides cardiac muscle nutrition.
Prevention and treatment of allergies - hives, hay fever, serum sickness, hemorrhagic vasculitis, vasomotor rhinitis, itching dermatosis, allergic conjunctivitis, asthma, eczema and others.
Alimentary obesity. Obesity caused by endocrine disorders, predisposition to obesity. Bulimia (increased appetite).
Hypertonic disease. Symptomatic hypertension of various etiologies. Cardiopsychoneurosis of hypertonic type.
Thrombophlebitis. Phlebitis. Phlebeurysm. Prevention of varicose veins complications.
Impotence, chronic prostatitis. Hypertension, a hypotonic type of a neurocirculatory distonia. General weakening of body functions (asthenia, defatigation, neurasthenia). Rehabilitation after previous severe diseases and operations.
Prostatopathy of different etiology such as acute prostatitis (as an additional component of treatment), chronic prostatitis, prevention and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. The Herbal Tea does not replace antibacterial preparations in case of treatment of specific prostatitis.
Stress condition, impatience, emotional instability, defatigation, sleep disturbance, cardiac neuroses, psychosomatic disorders, abstinence syndrome. The time for herbs application can be changed at the patient′s wish: the herbs can be taken in the morning and in the day time; in the day time and in the evening, and, finally, in case of a busy working day you can take the whole daily dose once in the evening.