The means is similar to Alfit 1 Composite according to its properties, but the formulation is supplemented by a heavy immune-modulating ingredient – licorice.
Alfit 3 Composite beverage is a natural complex of biologically active substances with optimal mixture of vitamin C and carotenoids. It is especially recommended in winter and spring for safe prevention of infectious and cold-related diseases.
Alfit 4 Composite is very healthful in cold season as a supplemental general strengthening and healing means for treatment of respiratory diseases.
Herbs contained in Alfit 5 Composite beverage exercise anti-inflammatory action along gastrointestinal tract.
It is recommended in case of inflammatory processes along gastrointestinal tract. Besides, the beverage possesses a pronounced astringent action which is healthful for patients receiving radiation therapy with involvement of a part of intestine in the radiation zone.
Herbs contained in Alfit 1 Composite increase immune protection softly and possess general strengthening action. The means is recommended as additional preparation fighting against diseases, stress and fatigue.
It exercises a stabilizing action on nervous system and promotes normalization of arterial blood pressure.
Medicinal plants in the composition "ALFIT SCHOOL-1", are rich in vitamins C, P, B2, E, B9 and carotene, have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, antimicrobial, antispasmodic and mucolytic action.
The composition is rich in vitamins A and E. Due to its biologically active substances, cinnamon rose has general strengthening properties and regulates metabolic processes. "Alfit School-10" softly and gently stimulates the gastro-intestinal tract of a child increasing appetite. Children will enjoy the tea for its flavor and aroma, and parents will appreciate its useful properties and completely natural composition