Group Group 2


Isn't medicine (Not a medicinal product)
The products meet/satisfy the established requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)

Blood-red hawthorn (berries) possesses vasolidating action, improves coronary blood supply, reduces arterial blood pressure slightly, improves sleep, decreases excitability of central nervous system and reduces cholesterol content in blood.
Black elder (flowers) – the elder flowers possess sudatory, anti-inflammatory, urinative and gentle expectorant properties. The sudatory action of elder is carried out by increasing sensitivity of centers regulating sweating. It is used as sudatory means against cold-related diseases, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasia as well as in case of influenza and sore throat.
European meadowsweet increases urine and sweat excretion.
Red clover possesses urinative, sudatory, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic actions. It is used in traditional medicine against asthenia, anemia and atherosclerosis. The herb and the inflorescences are used as a clearing agent.
Wood strawberry (fruits) normalizes metabolism that’s why it is efficient in case of nephrolithiasis and gallstone disease, hypertensive disease and atherosclerosis. Strawberry is used in case of cardiac neuroses and angor pectoris.
Wood strawberry (leaves) calms nervous system, is used against asthenia, anemia and as a vitamin agent.
Raspberry (fruits) is a sudatory and anti-inflammatory agent againstcatarrhal diseases. Being a dietary product, raspberry fruits are applied in case of anemia, atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease, diabetes mellitus, eczemas, as well as for improvement of appetite and digestion.

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