Group Group 2


Isn't medicine (Not a medicinal product)
The products meet/satisfy the established requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)

Black elder (flowers) – the elder flowers possess sudatory, anti-inflammatory, urinative and gentle expectorant properties. The sudatory action of elder is carried out by increasing sensitivity of centers regulating sweating. It is used as sudatory means against cold-related diseases, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasia as well as in case of influenza and sore throat.
Common goat's rue exercises urinative and sudatory action in case of fever.
Goat willow (bark) exercises analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antifebrile, sudatiry and sedative actions.
Garden angelica (herb). The essential oil in its chemical composition is the most active substance of the plant. This oil will be excreted by bronchial glands in the process of absorption, intensifying secretion of these glands and exercising bactericidal and spasmolytic actions on respiratory passages. The infusions from garden angelica exercise anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, urinative and sudatory actions.
Wood strawberry (leaves) – water brews and infusions possess sudatory and urinative properties as well as satisfy thirst, improve appetite and influence on digestive process healthfully. There is also a positive action of wood strawberry detected in case of disorders of lipid and mineral metabolism. It has been established that the infusions possess antimicrobial properties too.
Raspberry (leaves) – people drink infusions from raspberry leaves against diseases of respiratory organs, cough and febrility.
Raspberry (fruits) – fruit tea is a sudatory and anti-inflammatory means in case of catarrhal diseases. Being a dietary product, raspberry fruits are applied in case of anemia, atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease, diabetes mellitus and eczemas.

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