Group Group 2


Isn't medicine (Not a medicinal product)
The products meet/satisfy the established requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)

Everyone has no doubts that proper nutrition is the basis of human health. Year by year, in spite of a heavy development of science and machinery, more and more people suffer from severe diseases, and cardiovascular and oncologic pathologies increasing in their number do not keep away almost from each family.

Looking at old people whose age “went over” 80 years, we find difficulty in understanding that they had to undergo a lot of trials of life: war hunger and cold, physical overloads of post-war years, stress caused by the fall of the habitual Soviet regime, existence at the expense of the actual miserly pensions. However, the health obtained from childhood allowed them to survive all hard, dangerous times and to live to a great age, to see grandchildren and great-grandchildren and even to help them in time of need. Naturally, clean air and water have played their beneficial role in the organism formation, but apart from that, simple food cooked without chemical agents, the absence of a great number of tablets in case of any, even the lightest ailment, helped to obtain the strongest immunity of people of that generation which saved them in the most difficult conditions for survival.

Nowadays it is time to give serious thought to what we eat. In particular, it refers to our parents who bear the responsibility for health of their children. We need to make any steps to nutrition recovery, even if these steps will be the smallest ones.

The first step for our enterprise was a fundamental refusal of synthetic supplements for improvement of consumer appeal of the products. Our task is propaganda and promotion of absolutely natural products for children at the moment. Alongside with the modern technical opportunities, we called the wide experience of our Russian traditional folk-life culture including medicine for help.

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