horse chestnut (fruit), Elecampane, Siberian hawthorn (fruit)..
Evening compositionhorse chestnut (fruit), Elecampane, Motherwort five-blade, Crataegus sanguine.
Isn't medicine (Not a medicinal product)
The products meet/satisfy the established requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)
Chestnut fruithas pronounced tonic and anticoagulant properties.
Rosehip and Chaga normalize the selective permeability of blood vessel walls and improve their tone.
Siberian hawthorn lowers permeability of blood vessels and capillaries.
Elecampane has a pronounced anti-inflammatory action. In addition, it prevents the parietal thrombus formation in blood vessels.
Motherwort in the evening version is a sedative component. Alfit-18 can be taken with other medicines.
Thrombophlebitis. Phlebitis. Phlebeurysm. Prevention of varicose veins complications.