Group Group 2


Isn't medicine (Not a medicinal product)
The products meet/satisfy the established requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)

Glunorm Herbal Tea enables normalization of blood sugar level in case ofdyspancreatism.
Vegetable components contained in the means exercise anastaltic action on pancreatic gland, improve metabolism and strengthen body defenses.
Long-term application of medicinal infusions improves patient′s general well-being, reduces injury risk of organs suffering from improper carbohydrate metabolism. In case of light forms of type 2 diabetes mellitus it is possible to reduce the dose of anti-diabetic agents.
Besides, beverages of Glunorm series increase general tonus, improve sleep and stabilize nervous system.
The efficiency of each ingredient of the beverage is checked by longstanding treatment practice of Alfit Regional Phytocenter as well as Endocrinology Department of Altai Regional Clinical Hospital.
The vegetable insulinlike substances contained in bilberry (neomirtillin) and in common bean valves (arginine amino acid) reduce blood sugar level.
Purple Echinacea, Rhodiola rosea and red root represent plants-adaptogenes. Alongside with heavy immune-modulating and general strengthening properties, these plants stimulate insulin release in pancreatic gland gently so that they significantly reduce sugar level. Combined with the other ingredients, they prevent complications in patients with diabetes mellitus–disordersof peripheral nervous system, eye retina and capillary vessels (diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy and angiopathy).
Glunorm Herbal Tea is recommended as supplement for treatment of type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus. It can be used as an independent medicinal drug too – in case of reduction of glucose intolerance (prediabetes) and type 2occult diabetes.
Glunorm can also be applied for prevention of diabetes mellitus in people with inherited predisposition to diabetes, chronic diseases of liver and pancreas as well as obesity.
The presence of plants with tonic properties (Echinacea, Rhodiola) in the morning version and plants with sedation properties (motherwort) in the evening version exercises stabilizing action on nervous system.
