Group Group 2


Isn't medicine (Not a medicinal product)
The products meet/satisfy the established requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)

Herbs contained in the syrup possess immune-modulating properties, promote stabilization of nervous system, increased anti-stress stability as well as functional harmonization of organs of genital sphere, and produce the effect of lymphatic drainage.

Each plant contained in the composition exercises a healthful influence on different organs and systems of female organism, compensating the impact of adverse life factors of a new woman taking an active professional and social position.


The regular application of Women′s Balsam contributes to stabilization of nervous system, harmonization of genital sphere functioning and increased body defenses.

The effect of ortilia secunda in case of gynecological problems is conditioned upon antiseptic (along urogenital tracts), antihemorrhagic and urinative actions.

Altai traditional medicine considers ziziphora to be a good heart means. Experiments proved improvement of nutrition of cardiac muscle and its functional abilities under influence of infusions and infusion extracts. There is also a nice effect in case of diffusive adenous and cystic breast.

Wild marjoram was used in case of different female diseases (amenorrhea, algesic menstruation cycles etc.), that’s why it is called as “materinka” in folk. Its infusions were applied as calming and light hypnotic agent as well as in case of bad mood.

Hop is a well-known plant used in case of increased neural irritability, sleep disturbances, vegetovascular dystonia and hormonal disorders.

Chaga mushroom possesses immune-modulating properties and contributes to increased organism resistance.

Pot marigold exercises an influence on the central nervous system, normalizes arterial blood pressure and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory action.

Alongside with perfect anti-inflammatory and antihemorrhagic effect, lady's mantle promotes reduction of oedemas thanks to lymphatic drainage properties.

Sage-leaf mulleinis used in traditional medicine as antihemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory means in case of female discomfort.

Application area/sphere

Травы входящие в состав, обладают иммуномодулирующими свойствами, способствуют стабилизации нервной системы, увеличению противострессовой устойчивости, а также гармонизации работы органов половой сферы, оказывают лимфодренажный эффект.

Каждое растение, входящее в состав, оказывает благотворное влияние на различные органы и системы женского организма, компенсируя воздействие отрицательных факторов жизни современной женщины, занимающей активную профессиональную и социальную позиции.
Регулярное употребление "Бальзама женского" способствует стабилизации нервной системы, гармонизации функционирования половой сферы, повышению уровня защитных сил организма.

Storage conditions

Хранить в прохладном, темном месте. Годен: 1 год.

Form of issue

Стеклянный флакон объемом 250 мл, упакованный в художественно оформленную картонную коробку.

Сопутствующие товары

  • «Алфит-1» Иммуномодулирующий
