Group Group 2


Isn't medicine (Not a medicinal product)
The products meet/satisfy the established requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)

Application area/sphere

Plants of the composition have a stabilizing effect on the central nervous system without causing a significant decrease in vitality and drowsiness. Additional components of the composition have a beneficial effect on the function of the thyroid gland and the cardiovascular system. Oregano. In scientific medicine oregano medicine is mostly used as a sedative in case of nervousness, insomnia and headache. People use it as a sedative and mild hypnotic, in case of a bad mood and even with mentality problems. The plant softens the painful sensations during the menstrual period (algomenorrhea). Oregano is absolutely non-toxic. They brew its blooming aboveground part and drink instead of tea without particular limitations. Black crowberry. Its teas and tinctures have been used from ancient times as a medicine positively effecting the nervous system, including fatigue, headaches, epilepsy, paralysis, paresis and other neurological problems. The anticonvulsant effect of Black crowberry was confirmed by tests and clinical trials. According to the practicing phytotherapists, the plant requires in-depth study and introduction into medicine as a means to cure the central and peripheral nervous system disorders. Siberian hawthorn has soothing properties. It is proved to lower the excitability of the central nervous system and contributes to contractility of the heart muscle at the same time improving coronary and cerebral circulation, relieving tachycardia and arrhythmia, eliminating painful sensation in the heart, as well as dizziness. Due to the expansion of coronary vessels hawthorn preparations improve the heart nutrition, stimulate the metabolic processes of the body at the cellular level. Siberian hawthorn is a harmless, soft, but a reliable remedy for the treatment and prevention of heart failure, in contrast to cardiac glycosides which are manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry and have serious contraindications. It is worth mentioning that hawthorn has antisclerotic effect and helps to reduce high blood pressure Gypsywort shows a pronounced sedative effect similar to motherwort and valerian. Folk medicine recommends the herb for insomnia, anxiety, hyperalertness, causeless fear, endocarditis. Extracts from the plant have a mild antithyroid effect, reduce metabolism as well as the ability of the endocrine organ to accumulate iodine. At the same time, they soften pathological symptoms accompanying thyrotoxicosis such as an anxiety of patients, the level of tachycardia and the number of cardiac extrasystoles. Yarrow. A wide range of biologically active compounds determines the variety of beneficial properties of yarrow. Its drugs reduce blood pressure, allergies, improve digestion, accelerate the absorption of substances, etc. It also shows a positive effect on the nervous system. In combination with other medicinal plants yarrow helps with hyperalertness, neurasthenia and hysteria. Motherwort quinquelobate has a calming effect on the central nervous system. It is useful in case of insomnia, tearfulness, depression, cardiovascular diseases. Often it is used in teas, not only to calm the nervous system, but also to slow down the aging process of the whole body. Blackcurrant(leaf) is considered to be rich in useful substances. Its leaves and berries contain a record amount of vitamin C, vitamins of group B alongside with D,E, K. The chemical composition contains pectins, carotenoids, sugars, organic acids, tannins and other important compounds and microelements. A rich combination of useful components allows adding blackcurrants to compositions as a general strengthening component. Besides, it was proved that tinctures, teas of currant leaves have calming effect in case of neurological diseases, headaches, sleep disorders.

Storage conditions

In a cool, dry place. Shelf life 1 year.

Form of issue

A glass bottle of 250 ml packed in an artistically designed carton box.

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