Rhodiola rosea (golden root), clinker polypore (chaga), Glycyrrhiza echinata, common nettle.
Evening compositionPaeonia hybrida (root), clinker polypore (Chaga), Glycyrrhiza echinata, common nettle.
Isn't medicine (Not a medicinal product)
The products meet/satisfy the established requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)
It is one of the first collection, developed by Alfit phytocenter specialists for the rehabilitation of cancer patients. It is made of the best Altai herbs. Golden Root activates hypothalamic-pituitary system adaptation mechanisms, licorice - the adrenal cortex. Nettle improves blood. This plant contains large quantities of chlorophyll - the substance that is similar in chemical composition to the hemoglobin. Chagamushroom by pronounced tonic effect contributes to improving the state of cancer patients, even with high-grade cancers. Paeonia hybrida has a strong anti-stress effect, stabilizes the nervous system and optimizes the overall effect of the remedy. Experimental studies carried out at the Tomsk Institute of Pharmacology and clinical trials held in the Altai Krai Oncological Clinic showed the improvement in special treatment of cancer patients by adding Alfit phytodrugs to the main courses. This is stated in the "The effectiveness of dietary supplements" Alfit-1 "in the oncological practice" document: "... These dietary supplements were used in addition to the basic treatment in the experimental group (120 patients) to the common forms of breast cancer, ovarian and uterine body cancer (3-4 cm). The comparison group consisted of 100 patients with similar malignant tumors that have not used dietary supplements. Phytodrug "Alfit-1", contributed to the improvement of general condition, restoration of sleep and appetite. Hematologic indices while cytostatic therapy were more stable. Relapse and distant metastases in the three years of observation occurrence in the experimental group was significantly less than in the comparison group. " Long experience has shown that Alfit-1 raises the level of protection of the body and helps fight the adverse factors. The use of this phytodrug is advisable in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, especially chronic ones. "Alfit-1" is a reliable prevention and antirecurrent means. "Alfit-1" is especially useful in autumn and spring.
"Alfit-1" - prophylactic anti-cancer agent and a soft immunodeficiency states concealer. It is an additional component of the tonic, useful in all phases of cancer treatment. Alfit-1 used in rehabilitation treatment after illnesses and surgeries, as well as a preventative, anti-relapse agent with chronic diseases. "Alfit 1" is useful for people employed in hazardous work: restorative action of the drug helps the body deal with adverse factors.
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